Friday, July 20, 2012

I Thought She Was Sexy

Even the casual reader of this blog understands that blindness can pose some interesting challenges that sighted people do not have to deal with. But that's OK. Remember the blind have special powers that you sighted folks don't have. These powers may include, but are not limited to the following; accentuated smell, taste, touch, and better hearing. (Please refer to my previous posting "What did you say?") Now I have a new challenge to deal with, dating. I'm not talking about perhaps being nervous to ask another woman out, or the logistical difficulties that may arise from not being able to drive.

Recently I met a woman on the local city bus who said she had seen me at the University of Central Oklahoma several times and suggested I visit her where she worked on campus. She was sitting in front of me and had turned her head to converse with me and seemed sexy. Finally I worked up the courage to visit her at work and ask if she would like to go out for an ice cream. I approached the place where she was supposed to be and asked the lady sitting there if Lisa was available. The lady responded saying she would go get her. And so Lisa came to meet me. I had to muster a great deal of self control when I saw her because this was not the attractive woman I thought I saw on the bus. In spite of this I made some small talk and asked her if she would like to go out for an ice cream. She declined stating that she was on a diet and could not eat ice cream. It was obvious that she needed to be on a diet. I am not implying that larger women are unattractive, but this one was. I excused myself as quickly and as gracefully as possible, grateful she declined.

My new challenge, therefore, is figuring out a way to ascertain if the woman is really attractive. One option is to constatnly keep one of my sons with me and have them tell me if she is attractive or not. This approach has some obvious drawbacks and limitations. Another option is to ask her if she would like a free, full body massage. (I am a former licensed massage therapist and have done thousands of massages.) At least this option would allow me to determine if she needed to abstain from ice cream or not. Another possibility is using Facebook but screen reading programs cannot describe pictures and it is my understanding many peoeple, men and women, use out - dated photos or even Photo
Shop to alter the image. The old "bait and switch". I am open for suggestions.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Good to Great

A few months ago my oldest son, Thomas III, recommended reading “Good to Great” by Jim Collins.  This book compiles the results of an exhaustive and systematic study of companies who went from good to great and identifies the characteristics and concepts that enabled these 11 companies to significantly outperform their competitors and the market in general.  Initially I read the book with the intention of acquiring useful knowledge for starting my own business venture.  However, I quickly realized the principles could be applied personally.  One such principle that really got me thinking was the “Stockdale Paradox”.  Stockdale was the highest ranking prisoner held at the Hanoi Hilton during the Vietnam war and was a captive for eight years before being released.  During his imprisonment he developed an unwaivering, intrinsic belief that he would not merely survive, but would prevail.  But he also confronted the brutal realities facing him as a prisoner of war, including the possibility of his own death.  He made a choice that no matter what happened to him he would use the experience to grow.  This account of a man facing such unimaginable adversity, including being tortured at least 20 times, caused me to reflect deeply about my own adversity.  I realized I was lacking this determination to prevail and, until recently had not confronted the brutal realities of my own situation.  Now that I am confronting these realities, I must also internalize an unwaivering desire to prevail and go from good to great. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Hat that Wasn't - Natalie Taylor

Wal-Mart is a helpful place but normally I take
One of my 5 kids with me so I make no mistake
Plus what’s the point of having kids if you can’t make them work
They carry all my heavy bags, no need for them to shirk
But one day they were busy and I had to go alone
Not a biggie I’m a man and fairly close to grown
The items on my list were small and easy things to find
So with ease I walked around, not a care upon my mind
But as I walked with head held high I recalled an item wanted
I needed a white baseball cap so my gray hairs won’t be flaunted
I turned a corner and then I saw exactly what I needed
A roguish grin spread across my face, my trip so soon completed
With confidence I grabbed the hat so I could try it on
But with horror I pulled back, the roguish grin now gone
What I had thought to be a hat turned out to be a bra…
Hurriedly I walked away praying viewers had seen my cane
Because men who finger empty bras are probably insane
So take the moral from this story, I’ll laugh at the man who doesn’t
Learn the lesson from the hat, the hat that really wasn’t

Monday, July 9, 2012

Casualties of the War

The greatest battles we fight in life are the one's inside of ourselves. These battles define who we are and the struggle is to percevere, grow and improve.  And thus life, the accumulation and sum of these inner battles, becomes a war.  And in war there are casualties.  The most significant casualty has been my marriage to Teri.  After 20 years we are now divorced.  The other major casualty was my relationship with God.  Until recently, I was angry at God for allowing my poor eyesight to diminish, dealing with chronic sleep deprivation for almost a year and a half and not providing for my family.  In the last two months I have let go the anger I felt towards God and myself and am striving to develop my faith.  I have no anger towards Teri.  How could I?  She is the best person I know.